Travel Time Analyser

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Travel Time Analyser

Quickly identify how long it takes to travel between multiple locations at different times of the day

Understanding the anticipated travel time between multiple locations at various times across the day can take hours to calculate. Our Travel Time Analyser allows you to nominate multiple addresses/locations as well as the time you want to start and finish the travel time analysis. Simply select how frequent you want to get the expected travel time and we will calculate all the various travel times for you within seconds.

To do this via Google Maps will take you hours, with the Travel Time Analyser you will have the information within minutes. You can also select if you want to know the Optimistic, Best Guess or Pessimistic times from Google.

Don’t waste time, entering each origin and destination as well as the departure time for each scenario, give our Travel Time Analyser a try now for Free. We are sure you won’t be disappointed with how much time it saves you.

Our tool will present information in the following format:

This tool is available under our Platinum package. Refer to our Pricing page for more information.

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